= catalogue [catalog, -USA], mix, spectrum [spectra, -pl.], gamut, line-up, range.
Ex: The arrival of the school doctor or dentist or of well-knwon personalities visiting the school - the catalogue is again endless.
Ex: There are important employment opportunities available to people equipped with the right mix of skills and experience.
Ex: As one respondent from this end of the information spectrum put it, "Context is all in the information world".
Ex: This gamut of information presents the indexer and user with problems in choosing access points for conference proceedings.
Ex: The title of the article is "The information market: a line-up of competitors".
Ex: It is unavoidable in such cases that provision will be less adequate in range, balance, colleciton size or physical quality for a language in which little is published.
* cubrir toda la gama = run + the gamut.
* de la gama alta = high-end.
* de la gama baja = low-end.
* de la gama inferior = low-end.
* gama de colores = colour space, palette, palette of colours.
* gama de productos = product mix, product range.
* una amplia gama de = a wide band of, a wide variety of, a wide range of, a broad variety of, a broad range of.
* una gama de = a suite of, a palette of.
* una gama de posibilidades = a palette of possibilities.
* una gama muy variada de = a whole gamut of.
* una gama variada de = a trawling of.
* una gran gama de = a wide range of, a rich tapestry of, a wide band of, a broad variety of, a wide variety of, a broad range of, a whole gamut of.
* una variada gama de = a whole gamut of.